IoT Medicine

IoT Medicine

Think about your recent medical interaction. Your doctor probably used a medical device, whether a blood pressure monitor, an MRI scanner, a glucose monitor, etc. Now, this isn’t surprising since there many medical technologies that are currently in use. Let’s talk about IoT Medicine.  Internet devices today have been designed and improved to make services…

IoT Challenges

IoT Challenges

IoT, or the Internet of Things, describes a network of physical objects— or “things”— equipped with software, sensors, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other systems and devices over the internet. The devices range from usual household objects such as personal assistants and kitchen appliances to sophisticated industrial equipment. IoT is where…

IOT in Manufacturing, Education and Supply Chain

IOT in Manufacturing, Education and Supply Chain

The Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly changed our daily lives. Nowadays, even individuals who are not technologically inclined are taking advantage of the benefits IoT offers. This concept brings convenience and comfort to our lives. It connects everyday objects we use to the internet, for example, IoT in Manufacturing. And by so doing, it…

Introduction to the Internet of Everything

Introduction to the Internet of Everything

Thanks to the Internet of Things, today, we can now get things done without necessarily requiring human input. Automation has been made real and practical, making everything flow with relative ease. Well, the Internet of Everything uses the same concept but collaborates with communications and interactions to network all devices globally. It includes an intelligent…

Benefits of IoT. What Is The Internet Of Things?

Benefits of IoT. What Is The Internet Of Things?

We’ve already talked about the Internet of People, let’s move to IoT. Over the past few years, IoT has risen to one of the most important technologies in the twenty-first century. The internet of things, also known as IoT, describes the billions of digital, physical devices around the world connected to the internet, all sharing…

IoP Coin: Understanding the Basics of Cryptocurrency Coins

IoP Coin: Understanding the Basics of Cryptocurrency Coins

The modern-day internet has turned every aspect of our lives upside down. Nowadays, the internet is used as the medium for communicating trading and working. For a long time middlemen have caused a major stir in the internet world. Just because they have compromised many transactions done here. Currently, this is no longer a major…